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Search Results For Global Mapper (3)

The Search Address tool in Global Mapper Mobile can search for an address, city, county, or postal code anywhere in the world. If an address is found that matches the requested search, the results will be displayed on screen and a point can be created on the map at the found location. This tool requires cellular data or an internet connection.

Search results for Global mapper (3)

Enter the address to search. Tap Search to see the results and coordinate location displayed below. Tap Create Point to place a point on the map at the noted coordinate location. When creating a point the New Feature screen will appear in order to place the point in a layer and add or edit any attributes as necessary.

Once you have your Search Criteria set how you want for the search, press theNew Search button to actually perform the search and display the matching resultsin the results list. The results will be sorted in ascending order by thenames of the features by default, but you can click on any column header to sort theresults by the values in that column. Clicking the same column header again will reversethe order of the sort. You can also press the Search in Existing Results buttonto apply the new search criteria to the existing results. Using this you can create complicated searches based on multiple criteria.

If you right click on the results list, additonal options will appear, such asthe option to select all of the results in the list. If multiple line features are selected in the results list, when you right click there will be an option to combine those line features into new line features if the selected lines connect at their endpoints. Options for copying the selected features to theclipboard and selecting the selected search results with the Digitizer Toolfor further editing will also appear if any results are selected.

The Find Features with Duplicate Attribute Values command allows you to search loaded vector features to find those that have duplicate values fora selected attribute value. You can then view the results and manually edit them, or chooseto automatically assign unique numeric values for the selected attribute so that duplicatesno longer exist.

When you select the menu item you are first prompted to select which attribute (including feature name) to search for duplicates on, then the search proceeds and any duplicate values are displayin the Duplicate Search Results dialog (picture below). This dialog allow you to viewthe features with duplicate results and to edit those features or automatically assign newunique values. You can also press the Delete Duplicates button to mark the duplicatefeatures as deleted. When doing this you will have the option to mark all duplicates (exceptfor the first one) as deleted, or to just delete the duplicate features that also have duplicatecoordinates (this is what you'll most often want to do).

Allow regex backward search: Backward regex searching is forbidden by default (starting in v7.8.7) due to sometimes surprising results. However, if this feature is needed, you can set regexBackward4PowerUser attribute to yes in the FindHistory tag of config.xml to enable this option:

Jdbi element configuration modules extend AbstractJdbiConfigurationModule and can define mappers, plugins etc. similar to a Jdbi definition module. Anything that is registered in such a module is global and will be applied to all instances even if they are defined in another module.

A ResultProducer takes a lazily supplied PreparedStatement andproduces a result. The most common producer path, execute(),retrieves the ResultSet over the query results and then uses aResultSetScanner or higher level mapper to produce results.

This property determines the maximum number of records that are displayed in the advanced search result. If the search criteria specified returns more number of records than that value of this property, then the number of records displayed is limited to this value. In addition, a warning is displayed stating that the results exceed maximum counts and you must refine your search with additional attributes.

Bounding box: the spatial area of interest to filter, definedby Xmax, Xmin, Ymax, andYmin.Click Set Global to do a global search, clickMap Extent to do a search in the visible area, orenter values manually.

Clicking the Search button will search the selected Metadata Catalog.Search results are displayed in a list, and can be sorted by clicking onthe column header.You can navigate through search results with the directional buttonsbelow the search results. 041b061a72


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